Sika Antiso-15 SF (Formerly Curecrete) is a water-based membrane for curing, dustproofing and surface hardening of concrete. Sika Antisol-15 SF is suitable for use over new and old concrete. It performs well both indoor and out- door, without the typical adverse effects of the solvent based systems.
White liquid emulsion
Textured concrete 5.0-7.5 m2/litre
Smooth/trowelled concrete 6.0-7.5 m2/litre
12 months from the production date, if stored as per the istructions.
Store Sika® Antisol®-15 SF at temperature between 5°C and 35°C, protec- ted from direct sunlight.
For the best cure for freshly place concrete, apply Sika® Antisol®-15 SF as soon as possible after the finishing operations and/or immediately after the disappearance of the sheen of surface moisture. Spray is the recom- mended and preferred method of application. The product may be applied by squeegee or cloth mop on hardened concretw