MAXGROUT is a one-component non-shrink mortar formulated from special cements and well-graded mineral products which provides high mechanical properties and fluidity. Contains no chlorides or metal particles. Our grout sealer comes in powder form, ready to use mixing only with water.
A 25 kg bag of MAXGROUT fills a volume from about 12,5 to 13,5 litres approximately (0.5 – 0.54 l/kg), depending on the mixing water.
Approximately 2kg/m2 of MAXGROUT per mm of thickness.
A mixture adding 8 kg of sand with size from 3 to 5 mm per 25 kg bag of MAXGROUT fills a volume from about 16,25 to 17 litres approximately (0.65 – 0.68 l/kg), depending on the mixing water .
Approximately 1.4 kg/m2 of MAXGROUT per mm of thickness.
MAXGROUT is supplied in 25 kg bags.
Twenty four months in its original unopened containers. It must be stored in a dry and covered place at temperatures above 5ºC, protected from frost.